Past Events
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09.01 暑假末泼水派对 / 09.01 End Of Summer Splash Party
你的暑假假期过得如何? 或者你没有度假期? 我们很快会安排一个户外派对,请密切留意。 这周末我们先和旁边的好邻居 Muzika 一起搞一个有趣的主题派对。 How was your summer holiday? Or have you got any breaks at all in this hot season? B Quarter is planning an offsite party in the very near future. Stay tuned for more updated info. For this coming weekend, we are partnering with our great neighbor, Muzika to organize a fun theme party. 你们有去过东坑的泼水节吗? 去这个活动必会全身湿透。 来看看我们将如何把东城步行街变成泼水战的战场。 Have you been to the Dongkeng Water Splashing Festival? You suppose to get wet at the event, soaking…
Find out more »09.15 769 BQ 团圆派对 / 09.15 769 BQ Reunion Party
我们的三周年派对快到了。 在我们22号的大派对之前,这周六将举办769 BQ团圆派对。 你是我们769 BQ这一群人吗? Our 3rd anniversary is coming soon. Before the big party on the 22nd, we are organizing the 769 BQ Reunion Party this coming Saturday. Are you part of the 769 BQ gang? 我们有一些老朋友这周六举办了这个769 BQ团圆派对。 很希望769 BQ群的朋友都能来参加。 你们也可以带上一位新朋友一起参加。 门票每位50元(包含一杯饮料)。 请你带上一份小吃,这才是769 BQ群的传统。 Some of our old friends are putting a reunion party together this Saturday. We would love you to join if you were part of the gang. Feel free to bring a new friend with you…
Find out more »09.22 我们三周年+Billy生日派对 / Our 3rd Anniversary + Billy’s B-Day
双重喜事来袭!9月22日快来快来B Quarter庆祝其创店三周年,还有Billy的生日!晚9点闹到要多晚有多晚,Revolution乐队和DJ Pete会rock整场派对。派对上的食物由A-ONE体育主题餐厅倾情提供,100元含4款酒品,现场更有Tiger啤酒20元特价哈。抽奖自然是少不了的!有东莞红糖罐赞助的音乐门票、A-One优惠券还有狮子洋的航前贵宾室使用券哦! A double delight! Come and join us on Sept. 22 to celebrate B Quarter's third year, and Billy's Birthday! Party from 9 to...whenever, while rocking to the beats of the Revolution Band, and DJ Pete! There will also be food provided, courtesy of A-ONE, 100 RMB per person for four drinks (Alcohol + Mixer), plus special Tiger Draft Beer for 20 RMB! And, of course, a lucky draw with great prizes! Concert tickets from Brown Sugar Jar,…
Find out more »10.06 阳光明媚的午后派对 / 10.06 Sunny Day Afternoon Party
你是否享受这几天的温和天气? 你是如何度過國慶日假期的? 睡到自然醒还是大吃大喝。 在之前就和GABA聊过,我们打算在6号策划一个午后派对,享受阳光的沐浴。 Enjoying the great weather in the past few day? How have you been spending your National Day holiday? Sleep unitl noon? Eat more than you need? Talked to GABA earlier and we are doing this afternoon music party on the 6th. 不会像我们之前的小黑屋派对一样疯狂,只是一场轻松的午后聚会。 陪伴你的有饮品和GABA与Tzu Elijah所播放的美妙音乐。 Nothing crazy like our Black Room party, it's just a relaxing afternoon gathering with some drinks and great tunes by GABA and Tzu Elijah. 回顾一下他们策划的午后派对照片 / Check out the pictures from their…
Find out more »10.13 白色主题派对,一起身着白色欢聚吧 / 10.13 White Party, Come in WHITE Only
结束了七天的国庆假期,是时候来一场有音乐、有饮品、还有游戏的派对了。 在本周六,我们与我们的好邻居Muzika共同举办了一场白色主题派对。 曾考虑过其他不同的颜色,但我们相信白色是大家最容易为此准备的颜色。 After the long National Day holiday, it's time to organize a party with good music, drinks and games. Partnering with our great neighbor Muzika, we will be doing the White Party this Saturday. We have been thinking about different colors, and believe white should be the easiest one for you all to get prepared. 记得身着全白色,你将能获得一杯小赠饮 Rember to wear all WHITE and you will get a free shot 日期/时间: 2018.10.13 (星期六) 22:00 开始 地点: B Quarter & Muzika…
Find out more »10.20 美国 DJ LA BASS 的音乐夜 / 10.20 House & Techno Night w/ LA BASS
如何鉴定你是否是一名 House & Techno 音乐爱好者? 你在东莞寻找到好的 House & Techno 音乐播放地吗? 欢迎来到 B Quarter !我们将会邀请熟知这类型音乐的著名 DJ LA BASS 在 B Quarter 制造一些不一样的声音! Are you a true House & Techno music lover? Have you found a gig in this town where legit house & techno music is played? B Quarter doesn't play house & techno that oftern, and we have been looking for good DJs who know the music well and have great selections of house & techno. DJ LA BASS LA…
Find out more »12.31 新年倒数派对 / 12.31 New Year Countdown Party
正值2018年的最后几天,你对你的2018年过的是否满意? 是否迫不及待地进入2019年? We are in the last few days of 2018, how have you liked your 2018? Can't wait to go into 2019? 回看2018年里我们举办过的派对,许许多多的朋友和嘉宾都参与其中,创造了如此多的美好记忆。 为迎接2019年,我们将在31号举行新年倒计时派对。 Going through the list of parties we have run in 2018, there are so many great memories with all the friends and guests involved. To welcome 2019, we will be having our New Year Countdown Party on the 31st. 1. 我们的嘉宾 / Our Guests 我们的好朋友 ESZA、GABA、LYVans、Tzu Elijah 整晚都会播放很棒的曲子。 Our good friends, ESZA, GABA, LYVans, and…
Find out more »01.12 DJ Hyphen & MC Billy – 最纯的跳舞派对 / The Ultimate Dance Party
你有来我们在33小镇的圣诞村庄派对或者它在山姆小叔的余兴派对吗? Did you come to the Christmas Village party at 33 Town or its after party at Uncle Sam? 1月12日晚,DJ Hyphen 和 MC Billy 将会在 B Quarter 再次合作。 DJ Hyphen and MC Billy will put a jointed act together again on Jan 12 at B Quarter. 人们一直在问为什么我们的演出和东莞大多数俱乐部的不一样。 这里有几点供你参考: 我们玩的是 Open Format,在香港、美国和欧洲是相当流行的一种形式 (暂时还没在东莞的任何俱乐部见过这样玩法) 来自不同流派和不同年代的歌曲将被播放,这是一个有趣的经验,我们通过不同歌曲带来高低起伏的气氛,快来感受如同乘坐过山车一般时高时低的刺激感 大多数DJ在两小时的表演中会播放20-30首歌,而我们通常会在两小时内播放50-60首,有时甚至近100首。你有过这样的经历吗? "1, 2, 3, 4" 或 "Put Your Hands Up" 或 "我们一起来",拜托,派对MC还有很多可以做的吧 People have been asking why our set is different than most of the clubs in…
Find out more »06.15 Black Room – House Music All Night Long / 06.15 小黑屋音乐夜
We haven't run our Black Room party for a long time. The last one was done in September last year. Black Room is always an exciting gig with great music, drinks and dance. 我们很久都没有举办小黑屋派对了。 上一次还是去年九月份做的。 小黑屋是我们一个特色派对主题,集好音乐、好舞蹈、好饮品于一体。 We are excited to have our two special guests from LET's GHETT. Mary Lu and Mighty R are from Russia, they arrived in Dongguan just a few months ago. Both of them have organized numbers of music and fashion events back home including Parties…
Find out more »07.13 Hip Hop Lyricist Lounge Party / 07.13 嘻哈唱作人集结派
Life We Live and DJ Pete got some music lovers' interest at this year's Craft Beer Festival. On July 13, they are going to unite again to deliver you a real hip-hop show at B Quarter's "Lyricist Lounge." Come and support the hip-hop power of Dongguan! Life We Live 和 DJ Pete 在今年精酿啤酒节上已经用音乐征服一波粉丝了。7月13日,他们将在 B Quarter 会师,以“嘻哈创作人集结地”之名用最强Hip Hop冲击波击碎你与东莞音乐之间的隔阂! 1. Neon Dark Room | 荧光小黑屋 B Quarter will welcome you into a neon world, with a signature neon theme. BQ一贯的风格,暗夜派对荧光闪烁,一起嘻哈。 2. DJ…
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