[视频] 每天一秒钟 – 2017十月 / [VIDEO] 1 Second Everyday – 2017 October

同时也开展了两个每月活动,由 Pete Nice 主导的 Happy Endings 嘻哈夜和80、90和2千年代的舞蹈派对。
面具派对,射手座生日派对,“小黑屋”,Happy Endings, 80、90和2千年代音乐夜,每周女士之夜等等。在 B Quarter 肯定会是有趣的一个月。

We had two big events in October, the Sevener Tattoo 5th anniversary and the Halloween “Black Room” party.
Also started two monthly events, Happy Endings Hip Hop with Pete Nice and the 80’s 90’s 2k dance night.
Mask party, Sagittarius birthday party, “Black Room”, Happy Endings, 80’s 90’s 2k dance night, weekly ladies night, etc. It sure will be an exciting month at B Quarter.
Let’s review the footages we took in October.


QQ Video: