We just love our Black Room parties.
The dark room does give people a totally different feeling.
With the light and smoke, it’s absolutely a cool party atmosphere.
Let’s take a look at the photos PartyHERE took for us at the party.
We will be playing bass music this time.
We are happy to have GABA and AZU as our guests for the night.
Talked to both of them and they have very different persepectives on how parties should be done.
They have very different playlists than the other DJs and do take the chance to listen to something new.
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Guest: DJ GABA
– Study at Chongqing University Medical School
– Form A.L.S. brand with bass music lovers
– Push heavily on underground music culture
– And bring the experiences back home to Dongguan
DJ GABA,一位就读于重庆医科大学,深受成渝两地地下派对影响,派对老油条,低音爱好者,和好友在重庆成立A.L.S.派对厂牌,立志推广地下派对文化,现在他将把最尖最好玩的派对场景带回家乡。
Guest: DJ AZU
– 16 years old
– A fan of the Beijing bass music group “DOHITS”
– Have done a few great bass music mixtapes
DJ AZU,一位深受帝都低音男团DOHITS(上一位也是😄💦)感染的神秘少年,他将为你们呈现一场中国低音精美DJ Set。
Date/Time: 2017.01.20 (Friday)
Venue: B Quarter
Address: Shop 2-111, Vanke 769 Creative Park, Nancheng
– Bass music by GABA & AZU
– Self Serve BBQ
– Games (Beer Pong, Flip Cup, Foosball & Frisbee)
– Special rock climbing ticket
– Jagermeister shot
– Gas balloon
Outdoor Today Rock Climbing Park is official OPEN!!!
There will be an opening ceremony at the 769 Creative Park on Jan 07.
Special guests and friends will be invited to attend the event.
B Quarter is proudly being part of this event.
With the support from Outdoor Today and Union Dongguan, we will be running the official AFTER PARTY after the ceremony.
Date: Jan 07, 2017
Time: 22:00
Venue: B Quarter @ 769 Creative Park
– Welcome Kamikaze shot will be given out to everyone joining the AFTER PARTY
– LYVans from Union Dongguan will be playing his favorite dubstep, trap, hip hop and EDM for you all
– B Quarter’s wings will be available for you all to BBQ
Last but not least, special AFTER PARTY rock climbing tickets will be available for people to purchase.
Let’s take the chance to try this exciting sport while meeting some new friends over a few drinks and nice tunes.
B Quarter 亦好高兴可以成为被邀请的一份子。
得到今日户外和 Union东莞的支持,我们将会举办这个庆典的正式 AFTER PARTY。
日期: 2017.01.07
时间: 22:00
地点: 769文创园的 B Quarter
– 神风敢死队将会送给每一个参加 AFTER PARTY 的朋友
– Union东莞的 LYVans 将会放他最喜爱的 dubstep, trap, hip hop 和 EDM 音乐
– 我们为大家准备了B Quarter 鸡翅和烤炉,让大家齐齐动手去烤
所有 AFTER PARTY 的朋友,当晚可以用优惠价尝试攀岩活动。
It’s the middle of the week and we all should take the chance to relax a bit.
Let’s gather together at B Quarter to enjoy a few drinks while meeting some new friends.
Ladies Night is one of the key B Quarter’s elements.
And we are committed to do that every Wednesday.
我們在 B Quarter 聚一下喝幾杯,來認識一下新朋友。
女士之夜是 B Quarter 的一個重要元素,我們會盡力做好這個禮拜三的。
Free drinks for ladies from 21:00 – 23:00
Gin & tonic, vodka orange juice & Heineken will be served in red party cups for all the ladies.
Free BBQ for ladies
BBQ will be available for all the ladies. Either you do it yourself or our handsome chef will cook it for you.
Games to win free shots
Beer Pong, Flip Cup, Foosball & Frisbee, different games are available for you to win the colorful shots.
Come alone or bring some friends with you.
Bottom line, we all want to expand our social network.
3d Jahreswechsel von 2016 auf 2017
Happy New Year.
B Quarter wishes all of you will have a great year in 2017.
Since our first opening in July 2015, we have made so many new friends in this town. With all the discussions we have had, three main characteristics people found at B Quarter.
B Quarter 庆祝你在2017有一个美好的一年。
从我们2015年7月开张至今,我们已经认识了很多的朋友。在聊天和交流的过程里我们了解了 B Quarter 有三个优点。
Nice music – hip hop and R&B of course are our main things, but we do play different genres as well. House, techno, dubstep, trap, reggae, pop and rock are also being played all the time. And the full Behringer sound system helps a lot as well.
好听的音乐 – 嘻哈和 R&B 肯定是我们的最爱,其实我们也会放 house, techno, dubstep, trap, reggae, pop 和 rock 这些音乐。当然德国的百灵达音响也是重要的一个因素。
Good place to meet new friends – we always encourage people to talk to new faces at B Quarter. Bar is the place to meet interesting people and spend some valuable time with. We have lost track of how many new friends we have met since we opened.
Young people with plastic cups at party Perfect spot to run parties – Welcome Spring Party, Teachers’ Night, Neon Light Party, Black Party, Red Party, Black Room Party, Chinese Valentine’s Day Party, Halloween Party, Christmas Party, New Year Eve Countdown Party and many more. Those are the theme parties we did in 2016. Plus numbers of private birthday and anniversary.
In 2017, we will put even more effort to deliver the above items, while focusing on some new areas as well. For example, we will be expanding our food and drink menu to offer more B Quarter specials to our friends and fans.
Thursday – Billboard Hot 100 Night
– Billboard tracks from 80s, 90s, 2k till last week top singles
– Dance battle to win prizes
– Special RMB 10 weekly shot (e.g. Kamikaze, Sex On The Beach, Blow Job, etc)
We are committed to make B Quarter a platform for you to experience different cultures and traditions. The only question is whether you are ready for that???
Save the below poster on your phone for reference!
We are going to do Potluck Sunday on Dec 18 at 1pm
Please bring a dish of food with you and we will all share
BBQ will be provided by B Quarter
Beer pong, flip cup, foosball, and fribee will be available for you all
Besides, Tiger beer game pack will be offered to you all who participate in those games
It’s time to explore a different culture, you may be surprised how much you like it
(烧烤将有我们 B Quarter 提供)
Date/Time: November 12, Saturday / 20:00 Location: B Quarter, 769 Creative Park, Nancheng Theme: Black Party What To Do:
– Wear black
– Play beer pong, flip cup, and other drinking games
– Cook yourself some BBQ Special Guests: Union Dongguan Music Genres: Hip hop, Dubstep, Trap, EDM Ticket: RMB 20 with one free drink (Tiger beer or soft drink)
Happy Halloween 2016
We are doing the party this year on
Oct 29 (Saturday)
Everyone is doing party on the same day
Why should we come to B Quarter?
B Quarter将会例牌举行万圣趴
B Quarter的吸引点在哪里呢?
Reason 1
PartyHERE Halloween Bus
PartyHERE will be organizing a
Halloween Bus
traveling between the 3 bars
– B Quarter
– Brown Sugar Jar
– Shooters
PartyHERE personnel will be offering
special drink
for everyone on the bus
Just try to get to the right mood
before entering into the 1st stop
– B Quarter
– Brown Sugar Jar 红糖罐
– Shooters
Reason 2
Full Neon Light Room
Do come with
white shirts, pants, dresses, hats and gloves
Make up artists will be available too
Reason 3
Hip hop, Dubstep, and Trap
by Union Dongguan
B Quarter is known as THE hip hop venue
We are excited to have
Union Dongguan
joining us and
their DJs will be playing your favorite hip hop
plus dubstep and trap
all night
Hip hop, Dubstep, and Trap
B Quarter众所周知是嘻哈的领域
大家喜爱的 hip hop, dubstep, trap 类型的音乐
Reason 4
Costume Contest
Top 5 costume participants will be chosen
by B Quarter
Winner will be picked
by the audiences
Winner will get a full bottle of
tequila, gin, rum, or vodka
(consume at bar only)